He is one of the leading makers of custom guitars. Tom Anderson is a great small guitar maker from the west coast of the United States. It really won't do any king of high gain rhythm. And oddly enough, some really good lead sounds. The bottom line is, this pickups has amazing cleans. To be fair, I use the H1- in a les paul classic so that might also contribute to the dark overtones. Don't let that turn you off, it's just the honest truth about the tone. Almost in such a way that they have an 80's gothic tonality that you hear in a lot of those guitar parts. I don't mean bassy and I don't mean boomy. Also, and this is particularly evident with the H1-, they sound a lot darker than most pickups. There's something going on in the compression that does this.

In other words they sound more "recorded" than most pickups.
#Tom anderson guitars used series#
I can only describe it by saying that the H series pickups tend to sound like they have already had the studio magic poured on. To start, they have a sort of hi-fi quality to the sound. Really it's that good.Īnderson pickups are voiced entirely different than any other pickup brand I've played. Honestly though, the clean sounds coming out of this pickup are so amazing, I don't see a need to split the thing. Very hollow and almost acoustic sounding. It's so low that when you split it, it's almost like it's not even there. Think you've played some vintage pickups? This one is REALLY low output. The first thing about Tom Anderson pickups than everyone talks about it the splitting ability, however, the H1- is not much of a splitter obviously because of how low output it really is. My favorite combo would have the be the H3+ and the H1. They have a wide range out outputs and voicings for such a small company and the sheer variety is truly impressive. I've been a fan of Tom Anderson pickups (not so much the guitars) for a long time now.