Faking the Dead: The main villain, William Lennox, does this to throw off suspicion, enough for him to take command of the Seventh Wave.

Exploding Barrels: Most of the levels are full to the brim with exploding barrels, and are often placed so the destructible environments can be shown off.The plot is certainly there, although it's completely divorced from the gameplay and in-mission design. Excuse Plot: The developers admit the plot was added at the very last minute, after all the levels had already been made.Escort Mission: Inverted - there's a sequence where the player character has to make their way through an industrial plant while a support character provides sniper fire.Headshots still drop them immediately, thankfully. Elite Mooks: Appear in the last few missions wielding SMGs and wearing black balaclavas and blue uniforms they can soak about 14 bullets before dropping, compared to about 8-9 bullets for standard enemies with body armor and about 3 bullets for unarmored enemies.Elites Are More Glamorous: You play as US Black Ops, but don't have any discernible branch.Die, Chair, Die!: A lot of the buildings and structures are partly destructible to help the chaos and cinematic feel of the game.Critical Annoyance: A typical Heartbeat Soundtrack when health is low.Crate Expectations: They show up fairly quickly.Cold-Blooded Torture: Keller himself tortures a Seventh Wave member in a cutscene in order to garner information about Lennox.The second-to-last leg of the final level alone is more than twenty minutes of pure gunfighting. Problem is, there are between two and five of those for every mission, and starting from the second one, those are very large. Check-Point Starvation: There's always one after a point of no return (normally an Insurmountable Waist-High Fence you can jump over to proceed).But you don't really need this gun if you've beaten Hard difficulty already, which is actually harder than Black Ops. It has an integrated M203 grenade launcher (the only gun in the game to have one), can One-Hit Kill anything as long as it's a headshot (see Boom, Headshot! above), and reloads faster than the M203-less M16 under any circumstances. Bragging Rights Reward: The M16A2, available on the Harder Than Hard Black Ops difficulty and unlocked for all others after you beat it.Even the ones with masks, which you'd normally have to knock off with two or three shots beforehand. The last gun you unlock, the M16A2, can one-shot any mook as long as you hit them in the head. Boom, Headshot!: Aiming for the head deals imcreased damage, which is good since enemies take a lot of bullets to kill otherwise.Bloodless Carnage: Especially strange considering the fairly large amount of swearing in the game (it received an M rating in the US one way or the other).Black-and-Gray Morality: William Lennox and Seventh Wave are a bunch of vicious, brutal terrorists - but the black ops team are running illegal international missions without any official government sanction, and are perfectly willing to utilize some pretty nasty methods to accomplish their goals.The guns are all sampled from films such as Die Hard and amped to increase the bass and punchiness. Even the player character's support squad might as well not be there. Artificial Stupidity: The enemies in the game, among other things, won't notice when someone standing right beside them gets murdered, will charge the player in single file, won't take cover to reload, or will take cover behind explosive barrels.